For now, however, this guide will send you on your merry music-making way. Again, there are different schools of thought, which we encourage you to explore as you learn more about synthesis and music production. In this blog, we take a look at a few techniques and approaches that will serve as a solid foundation for musicians and producers learning music production. And iconic bass sounds from very specific gear, or samples thereof, are oft-used for a reason-they sound great, particularly in popular mainstream and underground genres. Certain waveforms work better than others, though no strict rules exist. While getting a deep sounding bassline is a matter of taste, it’s also a product of some tried and true techniques and approaches that yield consistent results. And then there are musicians and producers who much prefer certain go-to samples for their deep, fat bass sounds, and others still who like to use their DAW.
Some might prefer a certain analog synthesizer, others an old-school FM synth. No two people, even if operating in the same genre, are going to be in complete agreement over how it should be done and with which tools to use. Like anything in music production, bass sound preferences are many and varied.