Windows 10 change bluetooth name

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bluetoothctl is also a command-line tool to control 3# bluetoothctl # Notice that it operates in interactive mode. Has anyone successfully been able to use Bluetooth and BLE in a container?

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When I run hcitool scan the shell shows Scanning for ~10 sec but doesn't show any results. sudo hcitool lescan i was able to find the Thingy, a device with unknown name (but same MAC as the Thingy) and a third one which turns off with the Thingy. If you’re on Ubuntu or some other Debian derivative, the necessary packages are probably For future connections, trust the device using bluetoothctl and trust the discovered MAC address.

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My research on bluetooth proximity using open tools such as hcitool, btmgmt, l2ping, and hcidump. Nor using the hcitool or btmgmt tool makes it possible to adjust the addressing, only so far the hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x006 address makes a difference as long as the board is not power cycled (as the setting is volatile, the